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Small Groups

Relational Discipleship


Our Purpose Statement as a church is to Transform Hearts, Treasure Christ, and Teach Truth. Therefore, Small Groups are a vital part of our church’s DNA. Our church mission statement is not something that can be accomplished by one Christian – but by a group of covenant-keeping believers who love Jesus deeply, and love one another selflessly. Christians living in authentic community together, forming deep relationships and lifelong bonds, build up the church for the glory of God. Small groups are the primary vehicle in our church for relationship building. In small groups, we point one another towards the Gospel, so that our hearts can be transformed. We worship together, spurring one another on to choose Christ over temporary pleasures. We teach one another through one-on-one and group-based discipleship, so that the truth of God can take root deep down in us. We desire for every member at MSBC to be actively involved in a small group. We believe it is essential for Christian growth and reaching maturity as a disciple of Christ.

Local Leaders Focus

We want Small Groups to be led/hosted by individuals within our church who have a heart and have caught the vision for the ministry function listed above. We aim to have multiple leaders assigned to small groups of 3-5 families that they will lead for a one year season. The groups will be assigned at Easter and “shuffled” each year to provide variety of experience and room for expansion (new leaders and new members).

Current Groups:

Matheny Small Group
(Sola Scriptura)

Poole Small Group
(Solus Christus

Seely Small Group
(Sola Gratia)


DuBose Small Group
(Sola Gratia)

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Why You Should Join A Small Group

Simply put, it will give God glory if you join a Small Group. No one who comes to a Sunday worship gathering will build deep friendships and learn how to live the Christian life together in that short meeting. It is not enough to sit in a pew for an hour and then dis-associate yourself from the family for the rest of the week. We have a God-given covenant with one another, and Small Groups are the natural mechanism to help us keep the covenant alive and flourishing during our short time together on earth.

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327 East Main Street, Spindale, NC 28160   
Questions?  Please call us at 
828-286-2291 or go to our Contact Page to email us.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always to the end of the age."  Matthew 28:19-20 ESV

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